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Daína Chaviano (Author)


Cuba in Celtic Dream

Author: Xurxo Fernández

Source: O Correo Galego (Galicia, España)

During her first visit to Galicia (Spain), the author recalled her childhood, and talked about the Celtic influences in her family roots and literary works: "Talking to Daína Chaviano is like being born again. The writer seems to radiate a strange light, as if she was from another world. The most curious thing about this Cuban writer with a penetrating gaze is her look: it's that of a Dante Gabriel Rossetti model. There's a certain air about her, perhaps from her Asturian and French ancestry, and she unabashedly declares she's closer to Anglo writers like Ray Bradbury, Shakespeare or Poe, than to fellow countrymen like Lezama Lima or Cabrera Infante." (Complete text in PDF).