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Daína Chaviano (Author)



Eugenic Orgasms? A Fresh Look at Christian Mithology: Daína Chaviano's "The Annunciation"

Author: Yolanda Molina Gavilán

Source: Ciencia-ficción en español: una mitología moderna ante el cambio (The Edwin Mellen Press, New York, USA 2002).

" 'The Annunciation' [...] seemed to us a perfect example of Chaviano's style, with its easy marriage of stimulating content and highly literary form. This is, to my knowledge, Chaviano's only published science fiction piece that has been translated into English so far, and it is one that has already been singled out by our anthology reviewers, especially Joe Sutliff Sanders, who has noticed how 'The Annunciation' takes Christian mythology, a trope that has become stale in English-language science fiction and gives it a surprisingly refreshing twist." (Complete text in PDF)