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Daína Chaviano (Author)


Intrigue, History and Thriller: 
Daína Chaviano at the Miami Book Fair

Daína Chaviano will be presenting her historical thriller Los hijos de la Diosa Huracán (Penguin Random House) at the Miami Book Fair, on a panel entitled "Intrigue, History and Thriller", accompanied by Argentine writer Guillermo Martínez, who will also be presenting his new novel Los crímenes de Alicia (Nadal Prize 2019). Both works approach the thriller from different perspectives. 

Martinez's novel focuses on the figure of Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, whose diary is the key to explain a series of crimes that occur in the university environment of Oxford (England) in 1994. 

On the other hand, Chaviano's novel moves between two epochs: in the near future, while a serial killer tries to prevent a mysterious document from coming to light; and five hundred years ago, when a Jewish convert and his daughter flee the Inquisition in Seville towards the Caribbean, where the first conquerors coexist with the Taínos, whose ancestral gods and spirits are able to interfere with the affairs of mortals. 

Miami Book Fair
Date: Saturday, November 23
Time: 4:15 pm 
Place: Miami-Dade Wolfson Campus. Building 8 (5th Floor). Room 8503  
Address: 300 N.E. 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33132

(Book Fair Map in PDF)