"At the beginning of time, dragons were scattered all around the world. In those times, the borders that now separate countries did not exist. The world was an immense land of dragons..."
Through the eleven stories that comprise this volume Daína Chaviano has created a sampling of dragons related to various cultures and myths -- from Quetzalcoatl to Don Quixote, from Afro-Cuban gods to Anglo-Saxon fairies... Poetic metaphors about wisdom, love, loyalty, beauty, age, and the value of freedom, all appear disguised in the legends created by this Cuban author.
Written with great lyricism and a hefty dose of fantasy, País de dragones is a book geared toward children and young adults while at the same time touching the deepest fibers of the adult soul.
In 1989 this work was awarded "La Edad de Oro," the Cuban National Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature.